God, our Heavenly Father, We thank You for inspiring our Founding Fathers, their successors and the lay faithful of our local Church to found this Seminary for the formation of young men for the ministerial priesthood.
You appointed and continue to choose dedicated and scholarly formators. Again and again you raise in the hearts of many young men the spark of a priestly vocation so that the rich harvest may be blessed with the abundance of labourers in your field.
You instill by your divine providence, in the hearts of the faithful and of the benefactors, a spirit of loving kindness to provide unfailingly for the spiritual and material needs of this Seminary.
Father, send forth the Holy Spirit on this seminary especially during this Jubilee Year and make it a time of grace;
empower all those in formation with the virtues of the priesthood; strengthen the Formators in your wisdom that they may carry out faithfully the work of their ministry and mission.
May those you have called excel in the love that is sincere and unassuming through self-discipline and in holiness of life;
May they conduct themselves in purity of life giving the world the witness of a pure conscience that through their example others may come to imitate your Son, who came not to be served but to serve.
filled with faith, you responded:
Enable them to live a life that is worthy of their calling, and with Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor and our patron, may your Church be blessed with saintly and scholarly priests so that the words of the Gospel may reach the ends of the earth and the family of nations made one in Christ.
May Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ and Mother of priests and seminarians, accept from the beginning those who have been called, and protect their growth and ministry.
May Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ and Mother of priests and seminarians, accept from the beginning those who have been called, and protect their growth and ministry. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God for ever and eve